Hey there!
Seen the human centipede? Well… It’s been a while on the operating table but team LSM are massively ecstatic to announce that they have surgically pieced together a brand new website and welcome you all to come have a ganders.
Introducing... LifeSupportMachine.co.uk (the 2nd stitch-up)
Please come stare in wonder at its brand new features. Features such as funky new buttons and shiny new movey uppy downy things! Not to mentionfresh new art provided by popular cult-sequential artist, Valentin Ramon Menendez.
Now you can rate tunes by leaving little hearts (aww), browse by flavas (that’s genres to you and me), leave (abusive) comments via Facebook and see what’s topping our live chart, right now! Magic.
Want to get involved? Drop us a line and say hi!
All that’s left to say is... Electro-Funk, Wonky Bangers and Wobbly Knees!
I think that about covers it and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Be well,
From everyone on the ward at Team LSM.
Website: www.LifeSupportMachine.co.uk
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